Anyone who has come home to find their sofa, coffee table and furniture covered with blankets knows all too well how much kids love to climb, crawl and slide in a fantasy land of their own creation.

Children learn essential social and emotional skills through playing together without overt adult supervision.  Sadly “open, free play time” is being cut back more and more and curtailing these critical learning opportunities which is not encouraging.  Together, we can reverse this alarming trend!

Our unique Tunnel & Hut play areas offer creativity, physical exercise and interaction in environments only available from Softplay Solutions. 

Combining fixed in place, full sized and mini Tunnel and Hut systems with slides, steps and log climbs – when coupled with a wide variety of loose shapes - provides young children with unparalleled opportunities to fully engage with their peers and create memorable, positive experiences.

Tunnel & Hut play areas are made to any size, shape, theme or budget and can be configured in a way to best suit your available space.